Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week of April 30 - May 4

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of April 30 - May 4
Announcements for this Week:
First Communion Preparation
Students will be practicing for First Holy Communion in the church this week, so please make every effort to ensure that students are present at school every day this week. Please arrive on time and avoid scheduling appointments this week.
There will be a special school assembly to honor the First Communicants on Thursday, May 3 at 8:00 AM on the Front Yard.
Gateway to Art
Our last Gateway to Art session of the school year will be on Thursday, May 3 at 1:45 PM in the Art Room. If you have not yet been able to attend, please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to volunteer in your child’s class in a really fun and interactive way. Please contact our docent, Mrs. Rogers, for more info!
Talent Showcase
The Talent Show will take place on Friday, May 4 at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall! Rehearsals will be held on Thursday, May 3 from 3:00 - 5:00 PM.
First Holy Communion
Students will celebrate the sacrament of First Holy Communion this Sunday, May 6 at the 9:00 AM Mass. Students should arrive by 8:45 AM and meet in the vestibule at the entrance of the church. Any students in our class who are not Catholic are still welcome to join us to sing and support their classmates.
Looking Ahead:
May Crowning Mass
There will be a special school Mass on Friday, May 11 at 11:00 AM in honor of the May Crowning of Mary. Students are encouraged to bring flowers for Mary. The second graders will be participating in this Mass as the honor guard. They should dress in their First Communion attire or white dresses for the girls and white shirts and black slacks for the boys. Parents are invited to join us for Mass.
General Parent Meeting
The last parent meeting of the year will be held on Monday, May 15 at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall. Come join us to hear our end-of-the-year announcements, make plans for the 2012-2013 school year, and meet our new principal, Mrs. Jones!
Activity Day
Everyone’s favorite school event, Activity Day, is coming up soon! Activity Day will take place on Friday, May 18. Please consider volunteering to lead a group or donating supplies or snacks to get a head start on your obligation for next year.
Curriculum Update:
Phonics: Long E Sound spelled “ei”, F changes to V when adding “es”
Reading: Theme: Using Imagination, Skill: Context Clues
English: Using Quotation Marks
Math: Measuring Length using Standard Units
Religion: The Liturgy of the Eucharist
Social Studies: Unit Review, Test on Wednesday
Science: Introduction to Force and Motion
Homework for this Week:
Practice Book pp. 183 - 184
ABC Spelling Words
Math p. 142
Social Studies Review Sheet
Spelling Sentences
Practice Book p. 190
Math p. 143
Practice Book p. 191 (English)
Wednesday - Social Studies Test
Spelling Scramble
Practice Book p. 196
Math p. 144
English Worksheet
Thursday - Assembly, Gateway to Art
Rainbow Spelling Words
Practice Book p. 186
Math Worksheet
Friday - Mass at 8:00 AM, Talent Show
Spelling and Phonics Test
Reading Logs Due
Spelling Words

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