Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week of April 23 - 27

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of April 23 - 27
Announcements for this Week:
Third Trimester Progress Reports
Progress Reports will be distributed on Tuesday, April 24 for students who may require extra support in an academic content area. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s academic progress. 
First Communion Preparation
Parents of students preparing for their First Holy Communion will need to attend a meeting on the evening of Wednesday, April 25 at 7:15 PM in the Parish Hall.
Administrative Professionals Day
On Wednesday, April 25, we will honor the people who make sure our school runs smoothly from behind the scenes - Mrs. Migneault and Mrs. Cobbs. Children and families are encouraged to show their appreciation with a card or small gift.
Superhero Dollar Dayz
Student Council is sponsoring another Dollar Day on Thursday, April 26. Students will be permitted to dress up in superhero costumes or T-shirts- complete with capes and masks! (Masks will need to be taken off during class.) The cost is $2.00 or, in honor of Earth Day, 20 recyclable cans and bottles!
Looking Ahead:
Gateway to Art
Our last Gateway to Art session of the school year will be on Thursday, May 3 at 1:45 PM in the Art Room. If you have not yet been able to attend, please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to volunteer in your child’s class in a really fun and interactive way. Please contact our docent, Mrs. Rogers, for more info!
Talent Showcase
The Talent Show will take place on Friday, May 4 at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall! Rehearsals will be held on Thursday, May 3 from 3:00 - 5:00 PM.
First Holy Communion
Students will celebrate the sacrament of First Holy Communion next Sunday, May 6 at the 9:00 AM Mass. Students should arrive at church by 8:45 AM in their First Communion attire. Mrs. Toth will be available for questions at the First Communion Parent Meeting on Wednesday. 
May Crowning Mass
There will be a special school Mass on Friday, May 11 at 11:00 AM in honor of the Crowning of Mary. All second graders will be participating in this Mass.
Curriculum Update:
Phonics: Long E Sound spelled “ie” and “ey”, F Sound spelled “ph”, “gh”, and “lf”
Reading: Theme: Reaching Goals, Skill: Reality vs. Fantasy
English: Complete Sentences, Types of Sentences
Math: Review of Time and Money, Test on Wednesday
Religion: The Liturgy of the Word and Preparation of the Gifts
Social Studies: Celebrating Holidays (national, religious, and cultural)
Science: Review of Fossils, Quiz on Thursday
Homework for this Week:
Practice Book pp. 167 - 168
ABC Spelling Words
Math p. 97
Just Imagine! Paragraphs
Spelling Clues
Practice Book p. 175
Math Review Sheet
Social Studies p. 21
Wednesday - First Communion Meeting
Spelling Scramble
Practice Book p. 180
Math p. 340
Science Review
Thursday - Superhero Dollar Day
Spelling X 3
Math p. 141
Religion p. 110
Friday - Mass at 8:00 AM
Spelling and Phonics Test
Vocabulary and Comprehension Quiz
Reading Logs Due

Spelling Words

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