Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week of January 23 - 27

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of January 23 - 27
Thank you all so much for all of the birthday wishes and blessings.
The cards and flowers were such a beautiful surprise and made my day so special! 
Announcements for this Week:
Thank you to all of our Career Day speakers! The presentations were fantastic!
January Awards Assembly
The Awards Assembly for the month of January will be on Thursday, January 26 in the Front Yard. The Virtue Awards winners for this month will be honored. This month’s virtue is: Citizenship. Students are encouraged to be responsible citizens of their school, neighborhood, and country by participating in service, following rules and laws, and being active members of the community.
Catholic Schools Week Service Project
As part of our celebration of “Catholic Schools Week: Faith, Academics, Service”, we will be participating in a service project to support a very worthy cause - Alexandria House, a transitional residence for women and children in need. 
Each class at St. Jerome will be assigned items to donate to these families, and students will assemble care packages to be delivered by CJSF representatives. 

Looking Ahead:
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week will begin with an all-school Mass on Sunday, January 29. We ask that all school families please join us at the 9:00 AM Mass that Sunday. Our celebration of Catholic schools will continue throughout the week with several special events, including Open House on Thursday, February 2 and a “parents-only” Mardi Gras night on Saturday, February 4. Mark your calendars!
e-Waste Collection
On Sunday, February 12, St. Jerome Parish will be hosting an e-Waste collection from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Bring your old electronics to dispose of properly and model good stewardship of our planet for your child. 
Hawaii Raffle Tickets
Kids, keep selling your Hawaii Raffle tickets to family, friends, and neighbors! Students have the opportunity to earn non-uniform dress days each Thursday and a chance to win free movie tickets! Tickets are due by Friday, February 17. The drawing will be at the St. Jerome Talent Show on Friday, February 24.
Presidents’ Day Holiday
There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 20 in honor of Presidents’ Day.

Curriculum Update:
Phonics: R-Controlled Vowels (-eer and -ear), The “-ly” Suffix
Reading: Unit 4: Ties Through Time, Sports and Games
English: Adjectives: Words that Describe
Math: Addition Practice, Story Problems, Unit 4 Review, Test on Wednesday
Religion: The Sacrament of Reconciliation, Catholic Schools Week
Social Studies: Career Report Sharing
Science: Soil and Its Components, Soil Layers, Soil Types
Homework for this Week:
Monday - Career Reports Due!
ABC Spelling Words
Practice Book pp. 3 - 4
Math Review Sheet
Tradition Paragraph
Spelling Sentences
Practice Book p. 10
Math p. 184
English p. 30
Wednesday - Math Unit 4 Test
Spelling Scramble
Practice Book p. 16
Math Cumulative Review
Science Home Activity
Thursday - Assembly at 8:00 AM
Spelling 3Xs
Math p. 54
English p. 32
Friday - Mass at 8:00 AM
Spelling and Phonics Test
Vocabulary and Comprehension Quiz
Reading Logs Due

Spelling Words

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