Monday, January 16, 2012

Week of January 17 - 20

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of January 17 - 20
Announcements for this Week:
Career Day
Our Second Grade Career Day will take place on Friday, January 20 after Mass. Thank you so much to all of the parents and family members who volunteered to speak with the class about their professions! We are excited to hear from you!

Looking Ahead:
Work Party at St. Jerome School
If you are able to volunteer for a few hours this weekend, St. Jerome is hosting a Work Party on Saturday, January 21. Help us out and show your Spartan pride!
Career Interviews and Reports
Career Reports will be DUE on Monday, January 23. Students will be working on drafts of their written reports in class this week. When they finish, they will bring their work home for proofreading and revising. Final copies should be turned in with their first drafts and visual aids on Monday.
January Awards Assembly
The Awards Assembly for the month of January will be on Thursday, January 26 in the Front Yard. The Virtue Awards winners for this month will be honored. This month’s virtue is: Citizenship. Students are encouraged to be responsible citizens of their school, neighborhood, and country by participating in service, following rules and laws, and being active members of the community.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week will begin with an all-school Mass on Sunday, January 29. We ask that all school families please join us at the 9:00 AM Mass that Sunday. Our celebration of Catholic schools will continue throughout the week with several special events, including Open House on Thursday, February 2 and a “parents-only” Mardi Gras night on Saturday, February 4. Mark your calendars!
Catholic Schools Week Service Project
As part of our celebration of “Catholic Schools Week: Faith, Academics, Service”, we will be participating in an all-school service project to support a very worthy cause - Alexandria House, a transitional residence for women and children in need. Please keep an eye out for more information about how we can help them!
e-Waste Collection
On Sunday, February 12, St. Jerome Parish will be hosting an e-Waste collection from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Bring your old electronics to dispose of properly and model good stewardship of our planet for your child. 
Curriculum Update:
Phonics: Review of Unit 3 Phonics Patterns, Unit 3 Test
Reading: Review of Unit 3 Comprehension Strategies, Unit 3 Test
English: Review of Verbs and Usage, Unit 3 Test
Math: Addition Practice, Story Problems
Religion: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Social Studies: People Save Money (bank, savings account, price)
Science: Soil and Its Components (soil, humus)
Homework for this Week:
No School
Tuesday - Gateway to Art at 1:30 PM
Phonics Review Sheet
Practice Book p. 239
Math p. 180
Work on Career Report
Practice Book p. 245
Math p. 52
Social Studies p. 28
Work on Career Report
Reading Worksheet (p. 16 - 17)
Math p. 53
Science Worksheet
Work on Career Report
Friday - Mass at 8:00 AM, Career Day
Reading Logs Due

Spelling Words
No Spelling Words This Week!
Use your extra time wisely:

1. Work on your Career Report.
2. Review phonics patterns from Unit 3.
3. Practice addition facts.
4. Read!

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