Announcements for this Week:
All Souls' Day Mass
There will be a Special School Mass on Monday, November 8 at 11:15 AM in honor of the Feast of All Souls. The 4th grade will be sponsoring this Mass, and you are welcome to join us as we remember and pray for the souls of the faithful departed.
Parent Conferences
There are still conference times available for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The sign-up sheets are posted in the hallway of Building A. Please take a moment to stop by school to sign up, or let me know by email which appointment time I can reserve for you.
Don't forget! School will be dismissed at 12:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week.
Veterans' Day Holiday
There will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday, November 11 and Friday,
November 12 in honor of the Veterans' Day Holiday and a Teacher Inservice.
There will be no Star of the Week this week!
Curriculum Update:
Reading: Animal Habitat Writing Process
Math: Estimating and Rounding
Religion: Review of the Ten Commandments, Unit Test
English: Irregular Plural Nouns
Social Studies: Weather and Climate
(weather, climate)
Science: Mammals and Birds
(adapted, camouflage)
Looking Forward:
Animal Habitat Diorama
The Animal Habitat Dioramas will be DUE on Monday, November 15.
Scholastic Book Club
The Book Order for November is DUE on Monday, November 15. Please submit your order online or return the order form to school with checks payable to Scholastic Book Clubs.
Food Drive
The St. Jerome School Food Drive begins on Monday, November 15. Please take this opportunity to speak with your children about Christian charity. In Matthew 25:35-40, Jesus says, "For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me the extent that you did this to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me."
Field Trip to the California Science Center
The field trip to the California Science Center's Ecosystems exhibit will take place on Wednesday, November 17 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We will be eating lunch at the Science Center, so students should bring brown bag lunches from home on the day of the trip. Students should wear their school uniforms and comfortable walking shoes.
Casino Night
Save the date! Our St. Jerome Casino Night will be Saturday, November 20! If you have not yet made a contribution to our "Hooray for Hollywood!" Silent Auction Basket, please send in your donation as soon as possible.
Thanksgiving Holidays
There will be NO SCHOOL on November 24 - 26 in honor of the Thanksgiving Holidays. Enjoy!
Homework for the Week of November 8 - 12
Monday - All Souls' Day Mass, 12:30 Dismissal
Read for 20 minutes
Math p. 27
Sentence Review Worksheet
Tuesday - 12:30 Dismissal
Read for 20 minutes
Math p. 28
Study for Religion Test
(Chapters 5 - 8, The Ten Commandments)
Wednesday- Religion Test, 12:30 Dismissal
Thursday - No School
Friday - No School
No Spelling Words OR Dictation Sentence this week!
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