Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week of October 25 - 29

Announcements for this Week:

Spelling Test and Assessments
Please take note! Our weekly Spelling Test and Math, Reading, and Vocabulary assessments will be moved to Thursday this week rather than our usual Friday in order to accommodate the Halloween festivities taking place on Friday. Please help students prepare for these assessments by this Thursday. 

Halloween Festivities
On Thursday, October 28, students will be allowed to wear Halloween accessories to school with their regular uniform.
On Friday, October 29, students will be allowed to wear their Halloween costumes to school, but please leave any prop weapons at home.
Our Great Pumpkin Halloween Harvest Party will take place on Friday after recess. Please send any candy, decorations, or other donations to school this week. We are looking forward to a spectacularly spooky soiree! 

Our Star of the Week is: Seth Williams

Curriculum Update:
Reading: Comparing and Contrasting Domestic and Wild Mice
Math: Place Value and Expanded Form
Religion: Review of the Ten Commandments
English:  Nouns
Social Studies: Basic Geography and Globe Skills
        (country, state, continent, nation)
Science: Introduction to Animals
        (mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects)

Looking Forward:

Animal Habitat Diorama

On Monday, I will send home information about an Animal Habitat Diorama project I would like the students to complete over the next few weeks.The students will be working on the research and the written components at school. Students will be asked to create a shoebox diorama at home to show the animal in its environment. Please review the Diorama Guidelines and return the slip with your child's animal choice as soon as possible.

Field Trip to the California Science Center
Permission slips for our Ecosystems field trip were sent home last week. Please return the completed slips as soon as possible along with $10 to offset our transportation costs. (Checks may be made out to St. Jerome School.) The field trip will take place on Wednesday, November 17 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Students should bring brown bag lunches from home on the day of the trip.
Mass Schedule
There will be NO MASS on Friday morning this week as we will be celebrating Halloween and parading in our costumes. We will have a Special School Mass on Monday, November 1 at 8:00 AM in honor of the Feast of All Saints. Please be sure that students arrive at school at 7:45 AM next Monday. There will be no mass on Friday, November 5.

Parent Conferences
Conference times may be scheduled for November 8 - 10. Please see the sign-up sheets in Building A to reserve a time slot. School will be dismissed at 12:30 PM on these days in order to accommodate conferences. There will be no school on November 11-12.

Homework for the Week of October 25 - 29

Read for 20 minutes
Math Worksheet
Spelling Word Sentences

Practice Book p. 124
Math p. 22
Rainbow Words and Sentence
     (Students should write each Spelling Word three times, using a different
     color each time. Then, students should write their Dictation Sentence
     using their one of their three colors for each new word.)

Practice Book p. 130
Math p. 23
Spelling Words in ABC Order
Study for Spelling Test

Thursday - Spelling Test
Read for 20 minutes - Reading Log DUE tomorrow!
Wear your Halloween costume tomorrow!

Friday - Halloween Parade and Great Pumpkin Party
October Reading Log DUE!

Spelling Words




Dictation Sentence

Students will be graded on capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and word order.

The baby bunnies looked for food around the yard and under the bush.

Have a wonderful week!

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