Announcements for this Week:
Sunday Family Mass
I would like to extend a huge and heartfelt "thank you" to all of the parents and families who dedicated their time and effort to the Sunday Family Mass this morning! Your contributions were truly appreciated. The children seemed to have a wonderful time, and it was great to see so many families in attendance.
Scholastic Book Order
The October Book Order is DUE tomorrow (Monday, October 11). The Book Order for November will be distributed this week and will be due back on Monday, November 15. It is already available for viewing and ordering online at the Scholastic website. Our Class Access Code is GVG4H.
Our Lady of the Rosary Mass
There will be a Special School Mass on Thursday, October 14 at at 11:15am in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary. Please make sure that students wear their regular uniforms on this day (not P.E. uniforms). This Special Mass will take the place of our usual Friday Mass for this week.
Educational Websites
If you are looking for some more resources to help support and reinforce your child's learning at home, please check out some of the websites on the sidebar. I am including links to the websites which correspond to our Religion, Math, Social Studies, and Science programs. These websites include review materials which can supplement your child's classwork and home study.
Our Star of the Week is: Taylor Lugo
Looking Forward:
School Holiday
There will be no school on Monday, October 18.
Halloween Festivities
Our Halloween Parade and Celebration will take place on Friday, October 29. A flyer with more information about costumes, volunteer opportunities, and party contributions will be forthcoming.
Homework for the Week of October 11 - 15
Read for 20 minutes
Animal Assignment
Math Review Sheet - Test Tomorrow!
Tuesday - Math Test
Read for 20 minutes
Practice Book p. 98
Study for Social Studies Unit 1 Test - Test Tomorrow!
-Study Vocabulary and Main Ideas from the Core Lessons.
-Review the Reading Guides the children completed in class.
-Practice using the skills from the Skillbuilder lessons.
-Use the Unit Review on pp. 58-60 to guide your review.
Wednesday - Social Studies Test
Math pp. 55-56
Practice Book pp. 85-86
Write Spelling Words in ABC Order and copy the Dictation Sentence.
Thursday - Our Lady of the Rosary Mass (No P.E. Uniform!)
Practice Book p. 93
Spelling Word Sentences
(Students should use each spelling word in a sentence, writing each
sentence on a new line with the spelling word underlined.)
Study for Spelling Test
Friday - Spelling Test
Spelling Words
Dictation Sentence
Students will be graded on capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and word order.
The mother wishes she could keep her eggs warm.
Have a wonderful week!
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