Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week of December 17 - 20

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of December 17 - 20

Announcements for this Week:

Christmas Spirit
Students may continue to wear Christmas-themed accessories to school (for free!). Santa hats, reindeer antlers, holiday socks and festive jewelry may be worn so long as they do not present a distraction to learning (i.e. jingle bells, blinking lights, etc.). Students must understand that accessories are permitted at the discretion of their teachers and may need to be removed during class time.

Student Council Christmas Activities
Pajama Day will be Wednesday, December 19. Students may wear school-appropriate sleepwear (no spaghetti straps, no bare midriffs, no short shorts). Sneakers MUST be worn with pajamas for safety reasons - no slippers or Ugg-style boots will be permitted.
Holiday Movie Day will also be on Wednesday after lunch. Pre-purchased popcorn and candy apple snacks will be distributed at the movie in the Parish Hall.

Food Truck Night
The next St. Jerome Food Truck Night will be Wednesday, December 19 at 6:00 PM!

School Christmas Program
The Christmas Program will be on Thursday, December 20 at 7:00 PM in the church. Song sheets were sent home last week to help students practice for the performance.  Students should arrive in the church by 6:45 PM wearing their holiday best.

Christmas Vacation
Vacation will begin on Friday, December 21 and continue through Monday, January 7.
School will resume on Tuesday, January 8.

Homework for this Week:

Acrostic Poem
Math 8-5
Science Vocabulary Review

Tuesday - Science Test
Winter Verbs
Math 8-6

Wednesday - Food Truck Night
Seasonal Synonyms
Math 8-7 

Thursday - Christmas Program at 7:00 PM
No Homework

No School

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