Monday, September 3, 2012

Week of September 3 - 7

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of September 3 - 7

I hope you all enjoyed a restful Labor Day weekend!

Announcements for this Week:

Picture Day!
School pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 6. Students should wear their SCHOOL UNIFORMS for their pictures.  Order forms for school pictures were sent home last week by the time pictures are taken on Thursday. Please let me know if you would like an additional copy of the order form.

Looking Ahead:
St. Jerome Spirit Day
Student Council will be sponsoring a Spirit Day on Thursday, September 13. Students may wear non-uniform dress in St. Jerome colors (red, white, or black) for a small donation. The cost is Tops for $1, Bottoms for $1, Accessories for $1, or Tops, Bottoms, AND Accessories for $2 - the best deal! Our class will earn Spirit Points for participation, so be creative and have fun showing school spirit! Remember to follow the St. Jerome Non-Uniform Dress Guidelines outlined in the Policy Manual. Check them out on our school website!

Opening of School Mass
There will be a special school Mass on Friday, September 14. In lieu of our usual 8:00 AM Mass, students will attend a student-sponsored Mass at 11:00 AM. This special Mass in honor of St. Jerome will be offered by the 7th Grade class. Parents and families are welcome to join us as always!

Catechetical Mass
Sunday, September 16 will be celebrated by Catholics throughout America as Catechetical Sunday. At this special Mass, teachers and catechists will be called forth to be commissioned in their role as those who share the faith with others. Please join us at the 9:00 AM Mass to share in this special day. The 7th Grade class will be serving coffee and doughnuts after Mass.

ITBS Testing
The Iowa Tests of Basic Skills will be administered to students in grades 2 - 8 beginning on Monday, September 17. These standardized tests allow us to learn more about students’ relative areas of academic strength and weakness and help teachers to guide instruction based on that information. Testing will take place in the mornings, so PLEASE arrive at school on time and avoid scheduling appointments during the two weeks of testing. 

Back to School Night
Please join us for a Parent Meeting and classroom visit at Back to School Night on Tuesday, September 18 at 6:30 PM.
Curriculum Update:

Phonics: Short Vowels e and o, and Ending Consonant Blends
Reading: Theme: Helping Others, Skill: Character
Math: Addition Strategies, Using Doubles Facts and Ways to Make Ten
Religion: Jesus is God’s Best Gift
Social Studies: Skill: Globes and Maps, Symbols and Directions
Science: Plant Needs and Plant Parts

Homework for this Week:

Monday - Labor Day!
No School 

Spelling Clues
Practice Book p. 26
Math p. 6
Social Studies p. 2

Spelling Scramble
Practice Book p. 32
Math p. 7
Practice Book p. 27 (Language)

Thursday - Picture Day!
Spelling Rainbow Words
Practice Book p. 19 - 20
Math Worksheet
Science Worksheet

Friday - Mass at 8:00 AM
Spelling Test
Vocabulary and Comprehension Quiz

Spelling Words




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