Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week of November 21 - 25

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of November 21 - 25
Thank you so much to our Room Parents and all of the drivers, chaperones, and volunteers who helped to make our trip to the California Science Center such a success! 
The students enjoyed an amazing day at the Science Center’s Ecosystems exhibit, and they learned a lot about the miraculous ways living things are adapted to their habitats.
Announcements for this Week:
Food Drive
Our annual Holiday Food Drive continues this week. Please encourage students bring in canned food items to donate to the needy this holiday season. This is a great way to connect the ideas from Religion class to real life! Our class will earn Spirit Points for each donation and present their offerings at Thanksgiving Mass.
Thanksgiving Mass
There will be a special Mass tomorrow, November 22, at 8:00 AM  in which we will gather as a community to celebrate the Eucharist in a spirit of thanksgiving for all that we have received from God. Students will participate in the offertory by presenting the canned goods we collected for the Food Drive for our sister school, Mother of Sorrows. You are welcome to join us for this celebration!
Gateway to Art
Our next Gateway to Art session will be tomorrow, November 22, at 1:30 PM in the Art Room. Please contact our docent, Mrs. Rogers, if you are able to help out!
Thanksgiving Holiday
There will be no school Wednesday, November 23 through Friday, November 25 as we gather with our families and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. School will resume on Monday, November 28.
Looking Ahead:
Advent Season
The season of Advent will begin on Sunday, November 27. With this new Church season comes the much anticipated changes to the language we use during Mass. For more information about these changes, please check the St. Jerome Parish website at: and click on the banner link.
Homework for this Week:
Thanksgiving Worksheet
Math p. 40
Tuesday - 8:00 AM Mass, Arrive at 7:45 AM

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