2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of November 28 - December 2
I hope everyone enjoyed a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday!
Announcements for this Week:
Report Cards
Report cards for the first trimester will be sent home in the Family Envelopes on Tuesday, November 29. If you have questions or concerns beyond what we discussed at Parent-Teacher Conferences, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Higher-Level Thinking Questions
Over the past few weeks, I have been talking with the students a bit about thinking critically and problem-solving. I also had the opportunity to speak with some parents about this idea at our conferences. You can help support your child’s critical thinking at home by asking higher-level thinking questions when reading or studying together. Attached to this Parent Update, I have included some sample questions based on Bloom’s Taxonomy that may help guide you in challenging your child to think about what he or she is learning in a deeper way.
Advent Season
The Church season of Advent begins on Sunday, November 27, and in the coming weeks, we will join together as a parish community to prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. We will be learning about this joyous season in our religion class and keeping track of its progress with our own Advent wreath and paper candles in the classroom.
Holy Childhood Association
On Thursday, December 1, students will be attending an assembly with Fr. Ken Deasy from the Holy Childhood Association. The mission of the HCA is “to bring the love of Jesus to the world’s children”. One of the ways they accomplish this mission is through children helping children - our students will be given small boxes that they can use to collect money for the HCA during Advent. The Advent season is all about preparing for the coming of Jesus by offering prayers and sacrifices, so we encourage children not to ask for money but to donate a part of their allowance or do chores around the house to earn money. This helps them learn the meaning and the value of a “sacrifice”.
Looking Ahead:
Immaculate Conception Mass
There will be a special Mass next Thursday, December 8 at 8:00 AM in honor of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This special Mass will take the place of our usual Friday Mass for next week. As always, you are welcome to join us at our school Mass!
December Assembly
The Awards Assembly for the month of December will take place next Thursday, December 15 at 8:00 AM in the front yard. At the assembly, we will celebrate December birthdays and honor the Virtue Award winners for this month. This month’s virtue is: Trustworthiness. Students are encouraged to be honest, dependable, and responsible.
Christmas Program
Save the date! The St. Jerome Christmas Program will be held on the evening of Thursday, December 15 at 7:00 PM in the church. More information will be forthcoming regarding students’ apparel and preparation for their performance.
Christmas Vacation
Mark your calendars! Our Christmas break will begin Monday, December 19 and continue through Monday, January 2. School will resume on Tuesday, January 3, 2012!
Curriculum Update:
Phonics: The Sound of “ou” and “ow”, Words with “-ed” and “-ing” Endings
Reading: Theme: Teamwork, Skill: Summarizing, Main Idea
Math: Problem Solving with Graphs, Chapter 3 Review, Test on Thursday
Religion: Loving God and Others, Commandments, Advent
Social Studies: Intermediate Directions, Weather and Climate, Unit Test 12/13
Science: Animal Adaptations (Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians), Test 12/15
Homework for this Week:
ABC Spelling
Teamwork Assignment
Math p. 41
Social Studies p. 11
Spelling Sentences
Practice Book p. 174
Math p. 42
Social Studies p. 12
Rainbow Words
Practice Book p. 180
Math Review Sheet
Science p. 20 - 21 A
Thursday - HCA Assembly, Math Test
Spelling Scramble
Practice Book p. 167 - 168
Science p. 22 - 23 A
English p. 22
Friday - Mass at 8:00 AM
Spelling and Phonics Test
Vocabulary and Comprehension Quiz
Reading Logs Due
Spelling Words