Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week of March 28 - April 1

Announcements for this Week:

Gateway to Art
Our next Gateway to Art session will be on Tuesday, March 29 at 1:30 PM in the Art Room. If you are interested in volunteering to assist with the project, please contact Mrs. Pedroza and plan to arrive at 1:00 PM to help with set-up.

March Awards Assembly
The Awards Assembly for March will take place on Thursday, March 31 at 8:00 AM on the Backyard.

Tardy Policy
Due to a recent surge in tardiness, the administrators have decided to modify the Tardy Policy for the remainder of the school year. This revised policy will go into effect on Friday, April 1. From that point on, when students accumulate THREE tardies, they will have to serve a Morning Detention. The Detention will be served the following Thursday at 7:10 AM.

Please remember that on Mass Days (every Friday, except when otherwise noted on the calendar), the arrival time for students is 7:45 AM. Students arriving later than 7:45 AM on a Mass Day will be considered tardy.

Reading Logs and Card Calendars
The March Reading Logs and Behavior Card Calendars will be collected on Friday, April 1. Please be sure that your students have these materials in their Homework Folders on Friday. Students will be issued new Calendars and Reading Logs for the month of April. These materials should be kept in the Homework Folder at all times.

Our Star of the Week is: Indigo Mapa

Curriculum Update:
Reading: Transportation, Comprehension Skill: Fact and Opinion
Phonics: Schwa Sound (Unstressed Syllables), Sound of "ue" as in "blue"
Math: Money, Coin Values, Counting Coins, Comparing Amounts, and
           Making Change
           (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, change)
Religion: Chapter 18: We Listen and Pray (ambo, Bible, Gospel, homily)
English: Proper Nouns and Abbreviations
Social Studies: Unit 5: America's Past, Lesson 1: First Americans (history)
Science: Life Cycle of a Butterfly, Observation and Reflection

Looking Ahead:

Fundraisers for Japan
The week of April 4 - 8 has been designated as a week of charity for the people suffering in Japan. The Student Council has initiated this week of fundraisers, and the students have some great ideas about how to motivate the school community to raise money for the Japanese people affected by the recent natural disasters. One such is the "Pajamas for Japan" Day, set to take place on Thursday, April 7. On this special day, students can donate $2.00 to wear their pajamas to school. (Since this will be a P.E. day for us, please be sure that students are wearing appropriate shoes to school with their PJs. I will need to check with Mrs. Childs and Mrs. Klasila about whether students should bring their P.E. uniforms to change into for that part of the day.)

More information about fundraisers for the week will be forthcoming!

Lenten Confession
On Tuesday, April 5, students who have made their First Reconciliation, will be invited to meet with Father Samuel for confession and penance in the spirit of the Lenten season.

Anticipating Holy Week
We will have a special school Mass on Thursday, April 14 at 11:15 AM as we prepare as a parish community for Holy Week. Students should be reminded to wear their regular dress uniform on days that we celebrate Mass together. We will not have P.E. on that day, and P.E. uniforms should not be worn. This special Mass will take the place of our usual Friday Mass for that week.

On a personal note, this will be the Mass at which I celebrate my First Communion and complete my full initiation into the Catholic Church. I am very excited to be celebrating these Sacraments with the school community, and I would welcome any second grade families who are able to take part in the Mass with us on this special day.

Tea and Tour
On Friday, April 15, St. Jerome School will be hosting a Tea and Tour of the school campus for prospective families from 9:00 - 11:00 AM. If you are interested in assisting with the preparation or volunteering on the day of the event, please contact Mrs. Heppell.

Homework for This Week:

Practice Book pp. 117 - 118
ABC Spelling Words
Math pp. 81 - 82
English p. 39

Tuesday - Gateway to Art
Practice Book p. 124
Spelling Clues
Math p. 83
English p. 40

Practice Book p. 130
Spelling Words 3 Xs
Math p. 84
English Worksheet

Thursday - Assembly
Spelling Scramble
Math pp. 85 - 86
Social Studies p. 33
Study for Spelling and Phonics Test

Friday - Mass, Spelling and Phonics Test, Reading Logs Due!

Spelling Words:




Dictation Sentence:

Sue's brother broke his mother's statue and had to glue it back together.

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