Announcements for this Week:
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
Congratulations to our students and families who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation this weekend!
Valentine's Day
This special day of celebrating love and friendship will be on Monday, February 14. Students may bring in cards or treats to distribute to their classmates, but please be sure to bring enough for all 26 students in the class. Also, be sure to remind your students that they should leave the "To" section of their cards blank or simply write "To: My Friend" in the interest of time management on Monday afternoon.
Teaching Touching Safety
This week, our Religion lessons will focus on teaching students about establishing rules and boundaries for personal safety. We will talk about the importance of making rules within the family for proper conduct in dealing with strangers and Internet safety, as well as establishing personal boundaries and how to say "no" and tell a trusted adult when personal boundaries are breached. These lessons will be taught in accordance with the Virtus program, "Protecting God's Children". Please contact Ms. White or Mrs. Toth if you have any questions about the program or visit Virtus: Online.
Holy Childhood Association Mass
There will be a Special School Mass this week on Thursday, February 17 at 11:00 AM in honor of special guest speakers from the Holy Childhood Association. This will take the place of our usual school Mass this week. Please note that children should wear their regular school uniforms for Mass. There will be no P.E. on Thursday this week.
Our Star of the Week is: Mason Zetina - Cabaong
Curriculum Update
Reading: Food of Different Cultures, Comprehension Skill: Steps in a Process
Phonics: Short E sound spelled "ea" (as in head), Suffix "-er"
Math: Two-Digit Addition Practice and Problem Solving, Test Friday
Religion: Teaching Touching Safety
English: Adjectives, Describing Words
Social Studies: Families from Many Places
(custom, culture, immigrant, ancestor)
Science: How Living Things Grow and Change (life cycle)
Looking Ahead:
Presidents' Day
There will be no school on Monday, February 21 in observance of Presidents' Day.
Pancake Breakfast
Don't miss the St. Jerome School Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser scheduled for Sunday, February 27. Stay posted for more information!
Book Fair
The Book Fair will begin on Monday, February 28 and continue through the first week of March.
Homework for this Week:
Practice Book pp. 35 - 36
Math p. 51
Adjectives p. 43
Spelling Scramble
Practice Book p. 42
Math p. 52
Social Studies p. 16
Spelling Sentences
Practice Book p. 48
Math Review Sheet
Social Studies p. 17
Spelling ABC Order
Thursday - Special Mass 11:00 AM
Science p. 44A
Math p. 53
Study for Math Test
Study for Spelling Test
Spelling and Phonics Test
Vocabulary and Comprehension Quiz
Math Test
Spelling Words
Dictation Sentence
"Today you must get ready to be a helper," Mom says.
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