Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week of February 27 - March 2

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of February 27 - March 2
Announcements for this Week:
Classroom Support Staff
As some of you may know, Mrs. Heppell has had to leave our classroom due to family responsibilities. Starting this week, Mrs. Childs and Mrs. Klasila will be helping out in the classroom on alternating days. We appreciate your patience as we adjust to this change in classroom staff, and we wish Mrs. Heppell the best.
Hawaii Raffle Tickets
We are still short of our fundraising goal so keep selling Hawaii Raffle tickets to family, friends, and neighbors! Students who sell a whole sheet of tickets will earn a non-uniform dress days the following Thursday and have a chance to win free movie tickets! The due date for tickets and money will be Friday, March 2! The drawing will be at Pasta and Bingo Night on Saturday, March 24!
Dr. Seuss Day
We will celebrate the birthday of the great author, Dr. Seuss, on Friday, March 2! Volunteers from the LMU Library will visit our school and share their favorite Dr. Seuss books with us. Students are invited to bring in their favorite Dr. Seuss books all week to read and share with the class.
End of Second Trimester
The trimester ends on Friday, March 2. Please contact me if you have concerns!
Reconciliation Family Retreats
On Sunday, we held our first Reconciliation Family Retreat for students who will be making their sacraments this year. Students with last names beginning with M - Z and any students who did not make it this past Sunday will attend with their parents this week on Sunday, March 4 from 2:00 - 4:30 PM.
Looking Ahead:
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be held on Saturday, March 10 at 9:30 AM. Students who will be making their sacraments this year should arrive promptly for the prayer service in church-appropriate attire and be prepared to take part in the sacrament - having examined their consciences and thought about what sins to confess and practiced the Act of Contrition and other penitential prayers.
Open House
St. Jerome School will be holding another Open House on Sunday, March 11 from 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM. Please invite friends, neighbors, and colleagues to join us!
Curriculum Update:
Phonics: Review of Unit 4 Spelling Patterns, Unit 4 Test
Reading: Review of Unit 4 Comprehension Strategies, Unit 4 Test
English: Review of Adjectives and Adverbs, Unit 4 Test
Math: Story Problems with Addition and Subtraction, Unit Review, Test Friday
Religion: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Social Studies: Review of Economics and Map Scale, Test Wednesday
Science: Protecting Natural Resources, Test Next Week
Homework for this Week:
Phonics Review Sheet
Math p. 224
Social Studies Review Sheet
English Review Sheet
Math p. 226
Social Studies Review Sheet
Wednesday - Social Studies Test
Reading Worksheet
Practice Book p. 81
Math p. 66
Reading Worksheet
Math Review Sheet
Science p. 62A
Friday - Math Test
Reading Logs Due

Spelling Words
No Spelling Words This Week
Use Your Extra Time Wisely:
1. Review Unit 4 Phonics
2. Study for Social Studies Test
3. Practice Subtraction Facts
4. Read, Read, Read!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week of February 20 - 24

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of February 20 - 24
Announcements for this Week:
Teaching Touching Safety
This week, we will teach a series of lessons on touching safety as part of our catechetical mission to protect God’s children from the dangers of abuse. Using the approved curriculum provided by the Virtus program, we will teach students about touching rules and saying “No!” to uncomfortable or inappropriate touch. More information about Touching Safety will be in the weekly bulletin.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Students will attend a special Mass this Wednesday, February 22 at 8:00 AM. Together with St. Jerome parishioners, we will celebrate the beginning of Lent, talk about how to prepare for Christ’s resurrection at Easter through prayer and fasting, and receive a symbolic cross of ashes on the forehead. Please join us!
February Awards Assembly
The Awards Assembly for the month of February will take place on Thursday, February 23 at 8:00 AM in the Front Yard. Virtue Award recipients and February birthdays will be honored at this assembly.
Reconciliation Family Retreats
Students who will be making their sacraments this year should have received information about attending a family retreat to share and discuss information about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Students with last names beginning with A - L will attend with their parents this Sunday, February 26 at 2:00 PM. Students with last names beginning with M - Z will attend with their parents next week on Sunday, March 4 at 2:00 PM.
Looking Ahead:
Hawaii Raffle Tickets
We are still short of our fundraising goal so keep selling Hawaii Raffle tickets to family, friends, and neighbors! Students who sell a whole sheet of tickets will earn a non-uniform dress days the following Thursday and have a chance to win free movie tickets! The due date for tickets and money has been extended to MARCH 2! The drawing will be at Pasta and Bingo Night on Saturday, March 24!
Dr. Seuss Day
We will celebrate the birthday of the great Dr. Seuss on Friday, March 2! Volunteers from the LMU Library will visit our school and share their favorite Dr. Seuss books with us. We’re looking forward to our story time!
End of Second Trimester
The trimester ends on Friday, March 2. Please contact me if you have concerns!
Curriculum Update:
Phonics: The Vowel Sound “aw” and “ough”, Silent Letters in “gn”, “wr” and “wh”
Reading: Theme: Classroom Traditions, Skill: Making Judgments
English: Adverbs (Words that Tell about Verbs)
Math: Chain Operations, Choosing Methods to Solve Problems
Religion: Touching Safety
Social Studies: Using Map Scale to Measure Distance, Trade
Science: Plants as a Natural Resource
Homework for this Week:
Monday - Presidents’ Day
No School
Tuesday - Gateway to Art at 1:30 PM
ABC Spelling Words
Practice Book p. 74
Math p. 64
Wednesday - Mass at 8:00 AM
Spelling Clues
Practice Book p. 80
Math Worksheet
Social Studies p. 32
Thursday - Assembly at 8:00 AM
Spelling Scramble
Practice Book p. 76
Math p. 65
Science p. 60A
Spelling and Phonics Test
Vocabulary and Comprehension Quiz
Reading Logs Due

Spelling Words

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Communion Banners

For those students who will be making their sacraments this year, a letter was sent home last week regarding sacramental preparation and First Communion Banners. I am posting the information about banners and a few examples in case anyone has any questions about the design requirements.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about sacrament preparation.

Week of February 13 - 17

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of February 13 - 17
Announcements for this Week:
St. Valentine’s Day
On Tuesday, February 14, we will celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. Students will be permitted to distribute valentines to their classmates and share treats during the afternoon. If your child wishes to participate, please make sure to have enough for everyone in the class. We have 20 students total, 15 girls and 5 boys.
Student Council will sell Candy Grams at recess for 25¢ each or 5 for $1.00.
Looking Ahead:
Presidents’ Day Holiday
There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 20 in honor of Presidents’ Day.
Teaching Touching Safety
Next week, we will teach a series of lessons on touching safety as part of our catechetical mission to protect God’s children from the dangers of abuse. Using the approved curriculum provided by the Virtus program, we will teach students about touching rules and saying “No!” to uncomfortable or inappropriate touch. You should receive more information about the Touching Safety lessons in the weekly bulletin.
Gateway to Art
Our next Gateway to Art session will take place on Tuesday, February 21 from 1:30 - 3:00 PM in the Art Room. Please let us know if you are able to volunteer! Our missed session from January was postponed until Tuesday, March 13.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Students will attend a special Mass on Wednesday, February 22 at 8:00 AM. Together with St. Jerome parishioners, we will celebrate the beginning of Lent, talk about how to prepare for Christ’s resurrection at Easter through prayer and fasting, and receive a symbolic cross of ashes on the forehead. Please join us!
February Awards Assembly
The Awards Assembly for the month of February will take place on Thursday, February 23 at 8:00 AM in the Front Yard. Virtue Award recipients and February birthdays will be honored at this assembly.
Hawaii Raffle Tickets
We are still short of our fundraising goal so, keep selling Hawaii Raffle tickets to family, friends, and neighbors! Students who sell a whole sheet of tickets will earn a non-uniform dress days the following Thursday and have a chance to win free movie tickets! The due date for tickets and money has been extended to MARCH 2! The drawing will be at Pasta and Bingo Night on Saturday, March 24!
Curriculum Update:
Phonics: The Vowel Sound “au”, “al”, and “a”, Silent Letters (“kn-” and “-mb”)
Reading: Theme: Celebrations, Skill: Plot
English: Comparative Adjectives, Using “-er” and “-est”
Math: Two-Digit Subtraction, Estimating, Using Adding to Check
Religion: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Social Studies: Trade (barter, trade, specialize)
Science: Land Changes, Erosion and Weathering
Homework for this Week:
ABC Spelling Words
Practice Book p. 51 - 52
Math p. 60
Social Studies p. 31
Tuesday - Valentine’s Day
Spelling Clues
Practice Book p. 58
Math p. 61
English p. 33
Spelling Scramble
Practice Book p. 64
Math p. 62
Science Home Activity
Spelling x 3
Math p. 63
Practice Book p. 59
Friday - Mass at 8:00 AM
Spelling and Phonics Test
Vocabulary and Comprehension Quiz
Reading Logs Due
Spelling Words

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week of February 6 - 10

2nd Grade Parent Update
Week of February 6 - 10
Thank you so much for your participation in Catholic Schools Week!
It was wonderful seeing so many families at Open House. 
Announcements for this Week:
Benchmark Testing
I will be administering the mid-year Benchmark Test in Language Arts and Math this week. Please avoid scheduling appointments during this week and make every effort to ensure that students arrive at school on time. 
100th Day of School
Tuesday, February 7 will be our 100th Day of 2nd Grade! Students will celebrate with a special treat at the end of the day. Be sure to congratulate them on all of their hard work and progress so far this year!
Special School Mass
There will be a school Mass on Friday, February 10 at 11:00 AM hosted by the 3rd grade. This special Black History Month Mass will honor African-American leaders in the Catholic Church. You are welcome to join us!

e-Waste Collection
On Sunday, February 12, St. Jerome Parish will be hosting an e-Waste collection from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Bring your old electronics to dispose of properly and model good stewardship of our planet for your child. 
Looking Ahead:
St. Valentine’s Day
On Tuesday, February 14, we will celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. Students will be permitted to distribute valentines to their classmates and share treats during the afternoon. If your child wishes to participate, please make sure to have enough for everyone in the class. We have 20 students total, 15 girls and 5 boys.
Hawaii Raffle Tickets
We are still short of our fundraising goal so, keep selling your Hawaii Raffle tickets to family, friends, and neighbors! Students who sell a whole sheet of tickets have the opportunity to earn non-uniform dress days each Thursday and a chance to win free movie tickets! Tickets are due by Friday, February 17..
Presidents’ Day Holiday
There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 20 in honor of Presidents’ Day.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Students will attend a special Ash Wednesday Mass on Wednesday, February 22 at 8:00 AM.

Curriculum Update:
Phonics: The Short E Sound of “ea”, The Suffix “-er”
Reading: Theme: Traditional Foods, Skill: Fantasy vs. Reality
English: Adjectives: Using Words to Describe Nouns
Math: Two-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping
Religion: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Social Studies: From Field to Market (human resources, capital resources)
Science: Land Changes, Erosion and Weathering
Homework for this Week:
ABC Spelling Words
Practice Book p. 35 - 36
Math Worksheet
Social Studies p. 30
Spelling Sentences
Practice Book p. 42
Math p. 58
English Worksheet
Spelling Scramble
Practice Book p. 48
Math p. 59
Science p. 61A
Rainbow Words
Math Worksheet
Practice Book p. 43
Friday - Mass at 11:00 AM
Spelling and Phonics Test
Vocabulary and Comprehension Quiz
Reading Logs Due

Spelling Words