Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week of August 29 - September 2

Thanks to everyone for a wonderful first few days back at school!
Announcements for this Week:
Back to School Night
Our Back to School Night meeting will be Wednesday, August 31 at 6:30 PM. We will meet in the Parish Hall and then visit individual classrooms for brief presentations.
Computer Class Headphones
Students will begin visiting the Computer Lab on Wednesday of this week. All students will need a set of headphones in order to take advantage of the learning software available in the Computer Lab. Please send in a set of headphones in a labeled Ziploc bag as soon as possible. Students will also need to turn in their pink Computer Use Contracts by September 8.
Reading Logs
Students are expected to read at home on a regular basis to build reading fluency. They should practice reading both silently and aloud, and they should be able to reflect upon and talk about what they have read. Whenever possible, take the time to read with your child, taking turns reading aloud so they can hear your reading as a model for fluency. This also gives you a great opportunity to build comprehension skills with your child as you can ask questions and guide their understanding of the text. In order to facilitate regular reading at home, Reading Logs will be sent home in Homework Folders on Monday and will be collected on Friday. 
Behavior Card Calendars
Last week, I sent home the Second Grade Class Policies and asked you to discuss the Standards for Classroom Behavior with your child. We have also discussed these standards at school and continue to review them daily. In order to help the children keep track of how they are doing at school each day, we use a Color Card Chart. The scale is as follows:
Green: I am exceeding expectations.
Yellow: I am meeting expectations.
Blue: I am not meeting expectations.
Red: My behavior is not acceptable.
Students start each day on Yellow, and the choices they make throughout the day will be reflected in their Card Color. In order to communicate this information to you, students will color their Card Color on a monthly calendar. This calendar should stay in their Homework Folders as they travel to and from school. Please check your child’s Card Calendar daily and discuss the choices that shaped his or her behavior each day.
Looking Ahead:
Labor Day Holiday
There will be no school on Monday, September 5 in honor of Labor Day.
Family Mass
Our Second Grade Family Mass will be on Sunday, September 11 at 9:00 AM. Our Family Mass will be shared with the Eighth Grade class, and this will be our opportunity to fundraise for field trips and classroom events for the school year. It is also gives us a chance to bring our new class together to worship and build community. Our Room Parents will be in touch with you about donating coffee, doughnuts, and juice and volunteering to sell refreshments after Mass.
Curriculum Update:
Phonics: Short Vowels a, i, u, and Consonant Blends with l, r, and s
Reading: Theme: Family Life, Skill: Predicting
Math: Review of Grade 1 Skills
Religion: God’s Gifts
Social Studies: Theme: Groups and Leaders, Skill: Maps and Globes
Science: Plant Needs and Plant Parts
Homework for this Week:
Cover Reading Book
Write Spelling Words in ABC Order
Practice Book pp. 3 - 4
Social Studies p.1
Cover Social Studies Book
Write Spelling Words 3 Times Each
Practice Book p. 10
Wednesday - Back to School Night
No Homework 
Cover Science Book
Use Each Spelling Word in a Sentence
Practice Book p. 16
Science p. 5
Spelling Test
Vocabulary and Comprehension Quiz

Spelling Words

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Grade 2 Class Policies

Dear 2nd Grade Families,
Welcome to a new school year! I hope you all enjoyed a safe and happy summer. I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this year! 2nd Grade is a very important developmental time for students, and I am looking forward to partnering with you and the St. Jerome School community to guide your child to academic success!
I believe that parent-teacher communication is essential to providing the best educational experience possible to your child. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns. I can be contacted via email at or by phone at (310) 670-1678 x212. I am also available by appointment before and after school. Our class has a blog accessible from the St. Jerome website which will be updated with classroom news, homework assignments, spelling words, project due dates, reminders, and special events. Please bookmark this link and check it often:
In addition to the school-wide rules and guidelines described in the 
St. Jerome School Policy Manual, there are a few policy items specific to our 
2nd Grade class of which you should be aware:
Homework Policy
Homework will be assigned Monday – Thursday and will be due the following day. Students will be responsible for copying their assignments legibly into their Homework Notebooks on a daily basis (although the assignments will also be posted on the blog). A Parent Signature is required in the Homework Notebook for each entry. Any comments, questions, or requests for conferences may also be communicated in the Homework Notebook. Students will have a two-pocket Homework Folder dedicated to transporting their homework assignments and other important documents between school and home. Each Friday, students will bring home a packet of work that has been completed and graded from the previous week. Please review your child’s work carefully, sign and return any tests or formal assessments, and consider saving a few assignments as study material for later review and test preparation.
Reading Logs
Students are expected to read independently or with a family member at home for 25 minutes daily. A Reading Log will be provided weekly to help your child keep track of the books read. The Reading Logs should be kept in the student’s Homework Folder and will be collected every Friday.
Daily Supplies
Students will be expected to come to school with the appropriate supplies and materials each day, including a nutritious snack for recess. A copy of the class supply list can be found on the class blog. Textbooks will be distributed to the students next week. Textbooks should be kept covered and transported in a book bag or backpack. 
When a student is absent, classwork and homework will be collected and prepared for the student to complete upon his or her return to school. Students will be given up to a week to make up any missing work. In the case of a missed test or quiz, students will need to complete the assessment within a week of returning to school. If an absence is planned, arrangements can be made to complete assessments ahead of time.
Student of the Week
Each week a student will have a turn to be our Star Student of the Week. The student will be given a poster to decorate, fill out, and share with the class on Friday. This is a great way to learn more about our classmates, build community, and develop oral language skills!
Weekly Mass
The St. Jerome School community celebrates Mass together on Fridays at 8:00am. Please make sure that your child arrives at school at 7:45 AM on Fridays to avoid disrupting the Mass with late arrivals. Students will be considered TARDY if they do not arrive on time for Mass.
The St. Jerome School Uniform Policy is outlined in the Policy Manual. Students will have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday and appropriate uniforms, including athletic shoes, should be worn on these days. Please make sure that all jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts worn or brought to school are labeled with your child’s name

Standards for Classroom Behavior
At St. Jerome School, we strive to nurture Christian leadership in our students. I expect for 2nd Graders to behave respectfully in all of their school interactions. During the first few weeks of school, we will spend time discussing the expectations for conduct at school:
 Students agree to show respect for:
Teachers and Other Adults by...
-listening with eyes, ears, and whole body
-following directions
-raising their hands 
Their Classmates by,,,
-using polite words
-keeping their hands to themselves
-taking turns
Their School by...
-walking quietly in the classroom and hallways
-waiting until they are sitting down outside to eat or drink
Themselves by...
-paying attention and participating in class
-asking questions 
-completing assignments

                                                                            Thank you and God bless,
                                                                              Ms. White

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welcome to the 2011 - 2012 School Year!

Greetings to my Incoming 2nd Grade Families!

There are only a couple weeks of summer left, and I am looking forward to a school year full of learning, laughter, and community. I am eager to meet you all on the first day of school, Thursday, August 25.

I believe it is our responsibility to work together, along with the school administrators and our parish leaders, to foster your children's growth - educational, social, and spiritual. I am so excited to get to know you and collaborate with you this year!

Here is a copy of the Supply List for 2nd Grade:

Backpack or book bag (labeled with name in permanent marker)
1 ream of white copy paper
1 package of wide-ruled loose leaf paper
2 wide-ruled black and white composition books (labeled with name)
2 packs of index cards
1 pair of small child's scissors (labeled with name)
1 pack (12 count) glue sticks
1 pack (2 count) rubber erasers (labeled with name)
1 package (18 count) Crayola Twistable colored pencils
1 package (24 count) regular crayons
1 package (8 count) regular Crayola markers
1 pack (12 count) #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils)
2 fabric zipper pencil bags (labeled with name, no plastic pouches, no boxes)
3 containers of wipes
2 boxes of Kleenex
2 plastic two-pocket folders (labeled with name)
4 book covers (stretchy cloth style)

If you have any questions or concerns, I would be happy to address them. I am available via email at:

Enjoy the rest of vacation! I can't wait to see you all on August 25!

With warm regards,
Ms. White